Submit Guest Post

guest post submission at financ.inDo you want your article published in India’s leading Financial website? More than 100+ leading bloggers and experts from financial domain have contributed to articles in Financ. Before you submit your article, make sure you follow the below guidelines to get your content approved.

Substantive posts and original content:
If you are interested in submitting an article for us, make sure the article is minimum of 500 words. Articles that are short or that lacks the depth will be sent back.

Be SPECIFIC and get into exact details:

Create “evergreen” content:
Nearly all of the posts on this site are written to be relevant and valuable to our readers.  No matter what year that post is read, we are confident that content on our site will always be relevant and people will refer their friends to read it. Having evergreen content is what made this site successful and it’s the most important thing to keep in mind when writing your post for Financ.

Please give me at least few weeks to schedule your article:
Since this is a very active blog, we get lot of guest post requirement. Be sure that you submit your post at least 2-3 weeks prior to the expected publishing date for us to review it.

Link Policy: At Financ, we allow genuine contribution and allow only backlinks if it is truly required.  You will get an opportunity to link one referral per post. With our large readership, you will get a chance to build a brand of yourself by contributing a post to Financ.

Final Editorial: 
Financ’s Editorial Team has final editorial call – this means that we might want to delete or rework some sections.  If you’re not OK with Financ’s editorial team freely editing your content for sake of better clarity, our site isn’t the right place for your content.  Be assured that we do the least necessary edits.

Here are few of the categories that we accept for Guest Posts. Do remember to do a search on the respective category in which you are planning to write and make sure we don’t have any articles on same topic published before.

  • Budgeting
  • Investing
  • Personal Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Insurance (Car, Home, Life and Health)
  • Career & Education
  • Coupons and Offers
  • Credit Cards
  • Gold
  • Health & Fitness
  • Home Loans
  • Income Tax
  • Service Tax
  • Mutual Funds
  • Stocks & Shares
  • Properties and Real Estate